"some men see things as they are and ask why, I dream things that never were and ask, why not?" - George Bernard Shaw
Saturday, March 17, 2007
A brief update involving a cake
Ahem, I hear you saying as you begin to read this...well, yes, I'm not good about keeping stuff up here since most of my online personal spillage is put into my podcast now. But, I had a few minutes here between shows on St. Pattie's day to bring you up to date. At the moment, it's between the first and second shows (on a 2 show Sat.!!!) and I'm working on my Italian Cream cake....WHAT?! (I hear you saying) yes, an Italian Cream cake on St. Pattie's day; it's er, um, traditional...Riiiiiiiiiight (I again hear you saying ~ you know you're an awfully vocal reader) Yeah, so here's the story and I have to make it quick because I have to be back into work in about 25 minutes....so while the cake is baking (and boy does it smell GOOD) and I'm sitting here with the widows open, the sun setting, and sipping some fresh brewed coffee....I will tell you the story.
This time last year we were playing some town that started with an A (I can't remember the full name at the moment) in Georgia about 2 hours southwest of Atlanta. As it so happened, there was a little impromptu gathering of various circus folk at my boss's rig on the lot. Well, as any self-respecting person knows, one should bring something to a party when you've been invited. In this case the invite was last minute, which left me perusing the local Walmart food section literally hours before said shamrock-leprechaun-Irish food themed party. Thus, I choose something that was filling, inexpensive, and (I thought) worthy of such an occasion...I chose a value priced Italian cream cake. That's right, the one that was going to expire tomorrow and was thus 30ish percent on sale. I thought it was a good deal, and the comforting thought that it wouldn't be thrown out the next day because little ol' frugal-minded me snatched it up. Well....think again.
I got to the party and a good time was had by all. Everything was fun, tasty, and....Irish themed. So, again, I still didn't think much of it all, and set to enjoying the Chieftains DVD while sipping my green beer. Well, as the party progressed, it became more apparent that everything was Irish themed. Even our keyboard player who hadn't planned on coming brought some pickles, olives, and lettuce. I looked at his piddly ghetto food offerings and figured I was safe with a cake. Well, he perused over the table and when his eyes set upon the cake he exclaimed, "Who brought this cake? It's an Italian Cream cake, from Wlamart, AND it's not even green!" So, of course I owned up to it...but as things of this odd nature go, the disdain for my cake caught on like a bad nickname. And well, since that night exactly one year ago the whole band hasn't let me live it down. We joke a bit up on the bandstand (you have to in order to stay sane sometimes), and that cake has never been from my colleagues' minds'. Thus, this year I'm determined to set it straight....FOR GOOD. So, in typical Nathan style, I have set out to bake an entire Italian Cream cake from scratch AND give it green icing. This year they're getting their cake, it's going to be green, and it's going to be home-made....they're going to eat their words.....
time to go back to work...Happy St. Patrick's Day to one and all........and eat some cake

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So I guess the important thing is how did it taste? Or is it just for looks in the circus world? (thanks for all the comments this morning).
Hi Nathan,
Please send me a piece of the Italian "green cake" to go with my "Skinny Latte' " from the Brick House in Erie, PA!!!!
Happy Spring
Aunt Brenda
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