Ok, so here I am typing once again.....especially since I had a specuial request for an update from a recently engaged relative :-) So, last time I was typing, I was just arriving back in Seattle on a thursday night after a wonderful day of ridinging and island hopping around seattle. That evenng my counsin's boyfriend and his roomate were kind enough to put me up for the night. I was good times.......the next morning I awoke early and headed back home....or to where my home was parked for the week. So I got on the roas around 8AM and of course had to stop at one more coffee shop (which came highly recommended) on the way out of town. It was called Vivace cafe, and yes, it was yet ANOTHER amazing coffee house in Seattle, thus further convinving me that I will sometime in my life live in the coffee city. This particular cafe had the italian vibe, my bike wold have been right at home there amidst the the tables and and espresso machines.....I probably would've tried, but the ducati dealer finally convinced me that ducatis don't run on espresso...but they sure ride like it ;-) Anhow, the drive back was so beautiful, I know I say that about so many places, but when you're cruising down the highway, past the beautiful seattle skyline, with tress all around, the birght morning sun, the sound of the wind rushing past my helmet, and a perfectly clear Mt. Rainier setting the backdrop......it's just one of those things. So, I got back safe and sound, didn't get pulled over for speeding (becasue I wasn't of course) Upon arriving back in Kennewick, the first thing I find out is that our ring master was in a motorcycle accident over that past week. A very harrowing reality, basically a woman wasn't payoing attention and ran a red light, and ted plowed right into her. Totalled the boke, he would've been too except that he had a helmet on, wihch is essence saved his life. But, he was still badly injured, but with the aide of pain killers he hasn't missed a show yet. (although the pain killers have made for some interesting ringside narratives) In any case, he's recovering quite well and we're blessed to have him around. We did 5 shows over the weekend in Kennewick. There's really not much to do there besides shop and go to the local wineries. According to my coffee shop scale....kennewick was barren except for a starbucks, and it was a drive-thru one at that. So, after our last show on Sun. (which was finally a strong one for my chops) We did the normal routine of packing everything up and moving on to the next town, which brings me to Nampa Idaho. Nampa is a little city right outside of Boise, the capital. I have to say this week, if I had to sum up I would call it a housekeeping week. Pretty much all of the stuff that I didn't get to lsat week, and even some long pending projects were finally completed. For example, I've been wanting to make my place a little "home-ier" so I finally got around to buying and installing a wireless doorbell. Also, my bead curtain from philly, finally got that put up; fixed the shower curtain; I even put out my awning for the first time! It downright flattered the motorhome, made it appear to be a serious place of residence :-) So we were parked at a place named the "horse park" where, as the name suggests, they park horses, or more accurately, park the trailers and put the horses in stalls. But, even though it smelled like growing up in MI, we still had a good time, I even made one of my fav dises (pitachips and canellini bean dip) for a b-day party early in the week. Ok, enough for tonight, thehy're closing the place up. Maybe more tomorrow, pending a non-encrypted wireless signal... do widzenia..................
also, got this from my friend meghan, I guess I'm a little of everything...........
Your Linguistic Profile:
70% General American English |
10% Upper Midwestern |
10% Yankee |
5% Dixie |
5% Midwestern |
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