I have wireless internet..........for the next week!!!! So, I'm sitting here, it's monday afternoon, I'm a German mom&pop campground in Calgary, Alberta (still canada, eh? ) I typing from my RV food table, the sun is coming through the window, my laundry is drying (cost a loonie i.e. $2 canadian), there's a slight drizzle, it's cold (high of 50F today), listening to Postal Service, and eating black forest ham w/ butter and mayo on dark rye. Yeah, so it's been a crazy week. I'm still getting my RV to "live in" status. So, I got 2 new tires for the other rear side, put up a few pictures, cleaned some of the stickers off the back, got all the detectors (gas, smoke, and carbon monoxide) working, set up my stereo system, replaced some light bulbs, got new tie downs for the bike. So, I've been pretty busy in my free time doing that kind of stuff. And, I have to say the bike is coming in very handy for getting around and running errands. Although, sadly I haven't been able to do much pleasure riding. So, we finished up the week in Edmonton, cool town, but we had very bad turnouts for the shows, my personal belief is that it just wasn't promoted enough, so no one knew about it. But, the people who did come seemed to really enjoy it. It was officially a week this past friday since I've been playing w/ this company. So, it was about 7 shows in my first week, it's tiring but my lips are gradually coming along. I've been trying to take care of them as much as possible, and for you non-brass-playing types out there, that basically means do good warm-ups and take care of my chops after the show by doing a good warm down. Although,I do have to say the 3 shows every sat are quite a blow, I usually feel it pretty good the next day. So, we finished up our time in edmonton, the weather never really was very nice, pretty much overcast and drizzle the whole time. I think this left everyone in a cranky mood as a whole, but I think another aspect is the fact that everyone knows that all of our bosses are coming up from florida to check this week of shows in calgary. So, we did a 1:30PM show on Sun, and then left around 4:30PM to make the 2 1/2 hour jump to calgary. Well, no more than 10 min down the road and my friend justin is involved in an accident with his big rig (he has one of those 38ft diesel pushers with a trailer on back) Basically, at a right hand turn merge the lady in front of him started to go and then stopped. Well, he had already started to mover, and when those big things move, they can't stop right away. So, it realy messed up his front end and te back of her little focus wagon hatchback, but everyone was ok and insurance will probably cover most of it. While we were getting things sorted got to meet some nice canadian people, according to them, turns out that this rear end thing happens quite a bit in Alberta, so instead the police coming to you, if no one is hurt, you both just drive to the police station and file a report....if you tried that in the states, it would pretty much be a hit and run! So, we got down here to Calgary about 11:30PM last night and were settled in and parked by about 1AM. This place is most certainly the RV promiseland, you see, we're used to being in parking lots of the arenas we play in, and the conveinence is nice, but it's not always the qiuetest place and usually doesn't have many ammenities. But this week we're at a campground on the outskirts of calgary, and there is wireless internet, *laundry* (which I'm WAY overdue on), water and electric of course, sewer dump, a modest petting zoo, a playground for the kiddies, AND it turn out the owner is German (and a trumpet player- more about that in another blog) so they have many internaitonal clients and therefore have a stock fresh german bread and meats delivered 3 times a week. WELL, for someone who is 100% german heritage, and loves to eat, need I say more? Hence, my tasty little lunch I described earlier. I have a feeling that even with all of the stress surrounding everyone right now, it's going to be a good week. plan, tomorrow: ride my motorcycle up into the canadian rockies to Banff, go to the ice fields at Lac Louise, and maybe even have lunch on the top of a mountain.........it's going to be hard to sleep tonight, and don't worry, I'll take lots of pictures for all of you vicarious people out there :-) till next time..........
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