ok, so it's the beginning of official day four of my trip (this is not counting the first flying day) and I'm going to be travelling most of the day, in fact I'm going to Poland this afternoon. It'll be nice to just take a day or so to travel because it's been such a whirlwind the past couple of days of sight seeing. Right now, I'm sitting here at 11:16AM (that's 5:16AM in the US) in a sunny internet cafe in a Dunkin Donuts looking out the expansive picture window out onto Zoologischer Garten, with the old bombed out church standing in the square on a few hundred yards away, quite a dramatic view to type on the internet...but they have rooms with a view...so why not internet, eh?
So, to catch up, well I decided to make tues. musem day and went out to try to see as many museums as I could in one day, well, you know how that goes. So, I got to the Pergamon museum at about 11AM, which is an hour after it opens. and let me tell you what a treat that was. Basically it is an entire museum of things from antiquity, and it is one of the best collections in the world, I can't wait to post my pictures, just so many amazing things, many of them original from the bible times. They had an original pergamon alter, they had the Ishtar gate from the kingdom of babylon, and another gate of a muslim city in the middle. They also had a good bit of greek and roman statues as well as 4 thousand year old cuneiform tablets, the beginnings of our recorded history from the cradle of civilization. So, all said and done I spent about 4 hours there and then comleted the use of my day pass by visiting the Altes Nationale Galerie, basically it a 17th century galerie of all German painters, and all of the captions and info was in German, which made it a little frustrating, but there were a few Monets, Ceszannes, Van Gough's, and Renoirs. Then I met up with my friend that I met from Hong Kong, we hung out, went to eat a few places, but our feet were tired. But, it was a good day and I felt I saw a lot, although I still want to see many things here, Perhaps I will be able to finish everything monday....I hope. More about yesterday. i.e. wednes. soon...till then auf widersein
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