Wednesday, December 19, 2007

If your name is Winter Quarters you are not my friend

70+ Hours of rehearsal in a week isn't my idea of a good time. 20 days, that's not much, right? But working from 9AM-9PM doesn't leave much time for anything other than sleeping and for those of you to whom I owe Christmas cards or presents, I apologize in advance if they don't make it to you in time, I haven't had time to visit the post office yet!!! Oh, and that picture is my point of view from the bandstand...yup, that right,fearless Nathan performs 5 feet away from white tigers, I'd like to see the Philly Orchestra trumpet section top that! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Nathan. Sorry to hear that Winter quarters are no fun! Katie would love to be there with you if it meant being close to a tiger. Call when you have time and are well rested.