What's in a face? A hope, a fear, a tale of a thousand days and restless nights. No two are alike; an endearing physiognomy to some, a painful reminder to others. It is the world's window to our soul, perhaps that is why it's the part of the body we give the most attention to. The most recognizable and yet the hardest thing for the artist to replicate. Thousands of muscles, a symmetry of nature that we alter and try to enhance for others, and yet it can truly only be a representative, a liaison of sorts for our deepest emotions. For what is a faceless body except a shadow, a geometry with out intention. Sure, there's body language, but isn't a majority of that laid out on our billboard to the world; our face? We talk about people being two faced, but isn't it just one face with clandestine intentions? Stoic, proud, indignant, sheer delight, content, incredulous, curious, ired, furious...could these concepts truly exist with out a face? Have you ever known someone solely through online conversations; upon meeting "face to face" don't we usually say, "now I can put a face with the name"? Sit sometime and watch two people talking with each other. After a few minutes you can usually tell if they're friends, bother and sister, old acquaintances, lovers, business parters, or perhaps a crush. Simply put, the face is amazing and an important part of our life; so much so that we even look for it or build it into an inanimate object. We see an "old man" in the mountain or we say, "that car looks fierce". Even in the beginnings of the Christian church iconology, i.e. giving Jesus a face, was a derisive issue in religious art. So, be glad for the face you've been given, delight in its uniqueness and never take for granted the power of the connection in the visage of others.