So, after dropping some things off in PA on Sun, I left for the great west. On sun. I travelled to my grandparents place near Massilon Ohio, wasn't a bad drive, and I didn't get lost, it was my first real "outting" with my whole rig set up. Wasn't too bad except that I finally realized how much gas this thing really takes. So, mon. I got an early start and decided that I could make my aunt and uncle's place before it got too late, well......I set a persinal driving record for myself, I travelled for 13 hours, and 12 of those were driving. I went from dalton OH to Ames IA, not bad for one day, but I did end up a little dehydrated and exhausted, especially from all of the stupid construction traffic around chicago, it was stop and go for almost an hour....ugh So, this morning I figured I'd sleep a bit and then practice some, and then go for a spin on my bike (from here on out, when I refer to bike, I'm not not talking abojut the bicycle variety folks, but my motorcycle of course :-) ) I also notice an enormous Barilla factory on my way in the previous evening, and for those of you non cookers out there, Barilla is only the #1 selling pasta maker in the world, AND it's my dream someday to attend their culinary institute at their home factory in Italy. Anyhow, after play the harn a bit, I sadly found out thwt they don't give tours of this facility, even though it is the only one of theirs in America. So, I went for a spin around town on my bike, and believew it or not, Ames IA has 25000 population and 25000 college students, makes for an interesting mix in traffic. So, I went to visit my uncle where he is pricipal at a christian school aftrtwhich he and my cousin Cj went out for lunch at the Hickory Park Co restaurant http://www.hickorypark-bbq.com/contact.html , I had the smoked pork sandwhich and HIGHLY recommend it. That and some mashed tators w/ gravy will set you right. Them went back, packed up the bike, and went on my way. The bike thing is getting easier, packing and unpacking that is. I've the dismantling part down to 10 mins now, but the put it on the stand, tieing it down, and securing the cover still take s a bit. Anyhow I went from Ames IA to Mitchell SD today, only a mere 7 hours, but tomorrow I think I going to have to know out begtween 7 -10 so that I'll be assured to hit great falls sometime early afternoon thurs, even with all of the mountains on the way, The drive was pretty easy, once I got on the other side of Chicago, things are pretty much straight, some hills, and 75mph speed limits. Gas is starting to add up, it's been around $135 a tank of 50 gals, and at about 8 miles per gal and 1500 miles..........well you can do the math, someone in the middle east is getting rich off of me. It's was a beautiful day to drive, I've been blessed with agreeable weather and beautiful sunsets, soon I will get all these picks on my website. Coule things I noticed about the midwest, it is all pretty much cornfields and cattle, the people aren't in a hurry to get wher they're going, they'll help you at the drop of a hat(and if you drop your hat). and they don't think anything of driving 2 1/2 hours to see their child play in a hogh school football game. So, tonight I;m camped out at the Super WalMart in Mitchell, SD, which as it just so happens is the home of the only corn palace in the world. So, I think that will be on the agenda tomorrow, and I'll be passing rushmore and the badlands as well, I think I may have to take a minor detour through there too, and of course, Wall Drug....you can't drive through SD with out at least stopping there. But, I have to say, as much as everyone busts on WalMart the supercorporation, it is a welcome sight, especially after driving all day and knowing that you can park there and that they're open 24 hours, so when you get that hankerin' for a 3AM twinkie, you're golden. Ok, I need to play the horn some more then sleeeeeeeeeep. This definantly feels like the beginning of a journey, with it's ups and downs, I think now I may have a small insight into how Aeneas or Odysseus felt.....do jutro, dobra noc